Please join us in celebrating the 85 households who successfully moved from homelessness to housing so far this year! Families of all sizes, as well as single adults, have continued to find the shelter, support, and care that leads to housing success. Just one person stepping out of homelessness and into their own apartment is a cause for celebration. However, we want to truly rejoice with all the families and single adults who now have a place to call home!
Over 84,381 nutritious meals have been served from the CCO kitchen so far this year! The children sheltered with their family at CCO receive the energy and nourishment they need for play, academic, and creative activities. Each is important for childhood development and breaking the limits that keep young people from reaching their full potential. The CCO kitchen serves meals to everyone regardless of age. We are grateful to the kitchen staff who provide meals and serve them in a way that communicates respect and consideration for all shelter guests.
Your partnership and continued support allow CCO to provide essential shelter and nutritious meals to those experiencing homelessness. Please consider making a donation today that will help break the cycle of poverty tomorrow.