Naomi Shelter

Single Men and Women’s Shelter

There is an ever growing population in Chicago of individuals experiencing homelessness. Many of these individuals are aging or elderly, suffering from physical and mental illness, and victims of violence and personal tragedy. Veterans are also a substantial portion of the homeless in Chicago.

These programs are based on program models from, and funded by the Chicago Department of Family & Support Services(DFSS). The programs are lables as Shelter for Individuals, identifying as Women or Men. Each person who is referred to the program self-identify their gender or comfort withing the limits of “Women and Men”, and Cornerstone does it’s best to provide for any adult individual regardless of gender identity or orientation.

For statistics on current homelessness data in Chicago, go to

Single Men’s Shelter


CCO operates a Day Center for Men at the Sylvia Shelter where the men can connect with caseworkers to find housing, get referrals, and receive assistance from CCO staff and partner agencies. 

If you are man experiencing homelessness, go to our “Find Shelter” page.

Single Women’s Shelter


Established in 1998, Naomi Shelter began providing overnight shelter for 80 single women. In 2004, this program changed locations to the Sylvia Shelter and became a 24 hour shelter.  Women sheltered at Naomi receive personalized case management, referrals, and advocacy from CCO staff and partner agencies.

If you are a woman experiencing homelessness, go to our “Find Shelter” page.