Cultivating Every Child’s Potential

What is CCO doing to bolster the opportunities and academic future for unhoused children?

CCO has a longtime partnership with Chicago Hopes for Kids, which provides after-school tutoring, fun activities, parental support, and summer enrichment programs. Chicago Hopes brings consistent, one-on-one, positive engagement that children need to learn during a difficult time. They strengthen families through peer and group support. This invaluable partnership benefits students and parents alike.

The CCO Rooftop Playground is a safe, accessible, and fun space for children to learn through play. Children can enjoy the fresh air and fun as they race around the playground. Children learn through play, from the playground sandpit, slides, climbing equipment, bicycles, or exploring the CCO Rooftop Garden. These adventures help prepare children for learning. The UCL Institute of Innovation & Public Purpose, a London-based academic research institute, found that physical space is crucial for unhoused children’s physical development, supporting their gross motor skills and ability to engage in play. When play is encouraged and possible, children improve social skills, personal agency, and healthy conflict, providing a foundation for lifelong learning.

CCO family case managers advocate for the rights afforded unhoused children through the McKinney/ Vento Act. These include –
– A right to remain in their “school of origin.” Many families have to move out of their school district area when they experience homelessness. However, children have the right to remain at their “home” school, allowing the stability of familiar classmates, teachers, and school when needed most.
– A right to free public transportation for children in seventh grade and over and an accompanying parent for those 6th grade and younger.
– A right to additional support is tailored to each family’s needs, such as uniforms, supplies, and other essentials.

CCO is honored to support and shelter children and families experiencing homelessness. Please consider making a financial donation that ensures children reach their full potential during their time at CCO.

Click here to support safe shelter for children. Thank you!

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