The CCO Back-to-School Party was a hit! Children at CCO enjoyed games, art projects, new books, high-energy dancing, face painting, and academic motivation! Parents and children alike were thrilled the kids got new backpacks, shoes, school supplies, and support to start the academic year off right. Each year, staff, volunteers, and donors go all out to make the B2S party memorable. Scroll down to enjoy the 2024 Back-to-School Photo Album & Sponsorship logos!
Sponsorship is an integral part of making CCO events remarkable. This year’s generous sponsors were Baird & Warner, Tiny Giants Early Learning Center, Twinkling Stars, and Lakefront Roofing Supply. Thank you to these fabulous local businesses who put their time, energy, and financial support behind kids sheltered at CCO! We couldn’t do it without you!
Thank you!
Do you want to learn how CCO cultivates every child’s potential? Click here to learn more.

Many thanks to our generous and dedicated donors!
Click on the logos below to learn more about these generous local business that support CCO’s mission, shelter guests, and events.

Click the link below to give a gift that will improve the lives of unhoused children while supporting CCO’s mission to Address Homelessness, Provide Shelter, Accept People,
and Help them find a Home.