Statement on CTA Murders of 4 Unhoused People

So far this year, 1 in 4 people entering CCO come from sleeping on the train, bus, or street. Many people use CTA transit as a temporary shelter because it was believed to offer some form of safety, protection against the elements, and a sense of community. These heinous murders make it clear that those who seek to meet even the bare minimum of their human needs are vulnerable to attack. We must do better.

To quote the Chicago Coalition for the Homeless (CCH), “Everyone has the right to feel and be safe, regardless of their housing status.” This tragedy points to the need for better care and understanding of those who are experiencing poverty and homelessness. It shows that we must have a renewed commitment from all levels of government to provide funds for adequate shelter and permanent housing for unhoused Chicagoans. We call on political figures, policymakers, community organizations, and individuals to recommit to the belief that housing is a human right.